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About Us

Welcome to the Missouri!

We are one of 16 chapters of the National Scleroderma Foundation working across the country to contribute to our national mission to advance medical research, promote disease awareness, and provide support and education to people with scleroderma, their families and support networks. We work in Missouri to offer local scleroderma educational opportunities for people affected by scleroderma and fundraisers to drive our mission. Join now as a member or volunteer and learn how you can be a part of our local scleroderma community!

Contact Information

Chapter Contact: Debbie Morris

300 Rosewood Dr., Ste 105
Danvers, MA 01923
Phone (Debbie): (314) 420-8995

Chapter Advisory Committee


Co-Chair: Debbie Morris
Co-Chair: Rhonda Costa
Secretary: Bailey Hedrick



Tracy Chrisco
Cindy Cobillas
Rod Douglas
Jennifer Foster
Julie Gordon
Zach Morris
Anna Speaker

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