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Education Programs

The Michigan Chapter offers scleroderma education programs locally with leading experts in the field to help individuals understand their disease, cope with the challenges of their symptoms, and find their best path forward. Our chapter also helps identify local resources available to individuals affected by scleroderma through public and private entities.

How to Dance in the Rain 2022 – a Virtual Conference

How to Dance in the Rain is where individuals with scleroderma, their loved ones and caregivers find hope and connect with one another. This three-hour recording will include educational seminars from medical professionals, Q&A segments, exercises and more. From scleroderma and mental illness to grief and loss to laughter, there is no shortage of information to be learned at How to Dance in the Rain.

Watch all Michigan Chapter webinar content, including How to Dance in the Rain 2022, any time or day here.

Are you a parent, loved one, caregiver or individual living with scleroderma? Don’t miss out on any of our great webinar content. Easily watch or re-watch our pre-recorded webinars. We will be uploading new content regularly. Topics span from daily tips to medical advice, innovative therapies, community support and more.